
Over three millennia of Maltese history in one home

The Bir Mula Heritage House in Cospicua houses artefacts dating from as far back as the Neolithic and as recent as the 1800s
Photo courtesy of TripAdvisor

We all know that Cospicua has been at the centre of Maltese history for centuries, but just how far back the locality’s story goes can sometimes blow people’s minds.  In fact, Bir Mula Heritage House, which is located on St Margerita Hill – one of the five hills found in this city – houses artefacts that date to the Neolithic period, including chert tools, sling stones, animal bones, and pottery.

Since then, it seems like the site of this independently run museum has always been inhabited or used. During the Punic period, this place housed a shrine, which may have been active well into the Roman era. During the Arab era, meanwhile, the building was remodelled, and in the 16th century, it was transformed into a Palazzino.

The building itself has some amazing stories to tell, which apart from the structure itself tells them through the graffiti on the wall, as well as the way the rooms are intertwined and linked. But that’s not all you can see. The curator, John Vella, has put together an amazing collection of relics from the past, consisting of kitchenware, tools, and many other items of social and historical interest.

Apart from all this, there are many legends surrounding the Bir Mula Heritage House. Two which always capture the imagination of visitors are that the house was used as a meeting place between the Knights Hospitaller and the Ottomans during the Siege of Malta, and that the Knights Templar also allegedly used this house for secret meetings.

Whether these stories are true or not, we do not know but what’s certain is that this house is well worth a visit! The opening hours are 10am to 12pm Saturday and Sunday, or else by appointment during other hours. Our advice is to always call them in advance on 9927 3276.

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