5 self-care strategies for a balanced December

So the weather’s cooler but not too cool that you want to hibernate under a duvet all day. Take advantage of these quiet weeks and take care of yourself before the Christmas rush begins. Not sure where to begin? I feel you. Here are a few of my favourite self-care strategies to keep you balanced. 

Go for walks

Exercise is a vital part of our well-being and should be practised daily. If you’re not a fan of the gym or any other sport, going for a walk is enough to get your blood flowing for a healthier self. You’ll thank yourself later.


Meditation grounds you enough to help deal with everyday stresses such as work issues, family disputes, and the traffic on our busy roads. Sitting down and focusing on your breath for five to ten minutes can really make a massive difference to how you react to tough situations.

Nourish yourself

Make sure you’re getting all your vitamins in by eating plenty of healthy and nourishing food. Soups, packed salads, fruits, smoothies, stews – whatever rocks your boat. Just make sure you’re getting enough protein and nutrients to get you through the day.

Get creative

Take advantage of the rainy days by engaging in a creative hobby. Learn to knit, enjoy some arts and crafts, or write a poem, anything that gets those creative juices going. Working the brain means you’ll not only be more productive with your everyday activities, but you’ll become better at last-minute improvisations and problem solving too.

Hug your loved ones

Take the time to put away the screens and just be with yourself and your loved ones. Studies show that the more hugs we get, the happier we are, so make sure to hug everyone around you, including your pets.

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