5 must-have gadgets to kick off the year in style

Tech seems to be everywhere nowadays. We need it for everything, and gone are the days when we can get by without it. January’s here, meaning we’re in for another full year of gadgets and developments. Here are a few of my must-haves to help you kick off 2024.

1. Smartwatch

As a fitness enthusiast, my smartwatch is my best friend. I use it for everything – tracking my steps, my heartbeat, and most importantly, my workouts. Of course, you can also use it to receive your mobile notifications, answer phone calls, and basically manage your day.

2. Noise cancelling headphones

We cannot deny the amount of noise in our little island, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better, which is why noise cancelling headphones are a true must. They’ll help you get your work done without being distracted by cranes, jackhammers, and people shouting in the street.

3. VR gaming headset 

If you’re a gamer, you’ll want to get a VR gaming headset to fully immerse yourself in your games. From graphics to sounds and physical experiences, you’ll embark on a whole new era of gaming.

4. Smart indoor garden

If you’re a gardening fan but don’t know where to start, or if you simply don’t have time for it, a smart indoor garden is a nice compromise. This allows you to grow your own herbs without having to remember to water or fertilise them as the device does it for you with LED lights and an automatic watering system.

5. Advanced e-reader

Most of us have kindles, but how well do the basic ones react to sunlight? Advanced e-readers allow us to read in any kind of lighting without worrying about glare and other annoying elements. The perfect gadget for bookworms!

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