
What is the ‘lucky girl syndrome’?

According to the latest TikTok trend, positive thinking brings about lucky happenstances.

The idea that positive thinking can help you achieve your goals is by no means a new fad. In 2006, for example, the world went mad for Rhonda Byrne’s self-help book The Secret, which introduced many to the concept of the Law of Attraction or, as it is often explained, “what you believe, you will achieve”.

TikTokers across the world have recently repackaged this as the ‘lucky girl syndrome’, claiming that by focusing on positive thoughts one can manifest positive results, be it financial, romantic, or health- or career-related.

There are now countless videos of content creators saying that ‘lucky girl syndrome’ had led to some pretty major changes in their lives. They also explain how they did it, which includes reciting affirmations like ‘I am so lucky’ and ‘good things are always happening to me’ right before sleeping or right after waking up. 

This trend was first brought to the social-media platform by Laura Galebe, who was 22 years old at the time. In an interview about the so-called syndrome, Laura’s advice was to ‘be as delusional as possible and believe that the things you want can come to you.’

Since then, plenty of news organisations, as well as psychologists, have commented on the trend. The vast majority agree that positive thinking can certainly help people feel more empowered, experience better mental health, and amp up their motivation levels. Even so, it’s not a fix-all affair, and positive thinking without taking concrete action will most probably not result in any major life changes. 

So, in other words, the lucky girl syndrome can certainly help you feel better, but it’s no fool-proof way to get out of the hard work. 

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