How to host the perfect BBQ

We all love gathering together for a nice BBQ during the hot summer months. I mean, it’s part of being Maltese, isn’t it? If you’ve just bought a grill and want to host the most epic BBQ but don’t know where to start, here are some tips.

Choose quality ingredients

Get your meat from a quality butcher and make salads using vegetables from your local market. The fresher the ingredients, the better the food tastes, and you don’t want to compromise on taste. 

It’s all in the marinade

Get started the day before the big event by marinating the meat. You may want to think about fresh marinades using lemon, olive oil, and local herbs and spices. Leave the meat in airtight containers in the fridge overnight to allow the flavours to infuse for a stronger taste.

Keep it cool

Drinks are a major part of hosting a BBQ. Make sure you’ve got enough water, soft drinks, and other beverages on hand. You can use big plastic containers to keep your drinks cool. Remember to buy plenty of ice!


No Maltese BBQ would be complete without dessert. Ice cream sandwiches, magnums, and watermelon all around. You could even make fruit kebabs to keep the BBQ theme going right until the end of the day.

Entertainment is key

Keep a relaxed vibe going by providing entertainment like lounge music, board games, or conversation starters. If you know anyone who plays a guitar, ask them to bring it along for some live music jams.

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