3 reasons you should be fermenting your own foods

We often talk about the health benefits of freshly-prepared food using local ingredients. And, while they are indeed fantastic, they’re not the only food group that comes with pros…

What are fermented foods?

Food fermentation is the process by which we allow good bacteria to work its magic, adding flavour and health benefits to the foods in question. To give an example of this works, vegetables fermented in salt and water (brine) have higher levels of the good bacteria called lactobacillus, which helps with promoting healthy gut bacteria.

Such foods can range from world cuisine staples like kimchi and sauerkraut, to more common foods like sourdough bread, pickles, yoghurt, and certain cheeses.

Three key benefits of fermented foods

Eating these types of foods can have some pretty impressive and positive impacts on your body and mindframe, including:

Have you ever tried fermenting your own foods? If so, let us know!

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