
5 foods you should be freezing now for autumn

Tomato season is open, so make the most of it.

Remember the days when the entire family would spend a day cooking and freezing tomato sauce with the September produce? Very few people actually do this sort of thing today, which is a shame. If you’re into batch freezing other recipes to make the week’s cooking slog easier, now the time to prep some fresh Maltese produce, when it’s at it’s tastiest and cheapest.

1. Tomatoes

September is peak tomato season in Malta, and freezing them now will allow you to enjoy them long after the season ends. Simply wash, core, and freeze whole tomatoes in a freezer bag. They’re perfect for making sauces, soups, or adding to casseroles. One of the best ways to use frozen tomatoes is in a hearty tomato sauce that you can enjoy with pasta throughout autumn.

2. Zucchini (courgettes)

Zucchini freeze exceptionally well. Grate it before freezing for easy addition to soups, stews, and fritters. Zucchini fritters are a quick, nutritious snack that can be whipped up from your freezer stash in minutes.

3. Peppers

Sweet peppers are in full bloom during late summer and can be roasted and frozen for later use. Roasted peppers can add a smoky depth to pasta dishes, salads, or even sandwiches. Just roast them, peel off the skins, and freeze for easy use. A roasted pepper and goat cheese salad makes for a refreshing side dish, even in cooler months.

4. Broad beans (ful tal-ħarifa)

These nutritious beans are harvested in late summer and early autumn in Malta. Blanch them before freezing to maintain their vibrant green colour and rich taste. Broad beans are perfect for adding to soups, risottos, or even as a side dish when lightly sautéed with garlic. Try a broad bean and pancetta risotto for a warm, comforting autumn meal.

5. Figs

September is also fig season in Malta, and freezing figs is a great way to enjoy their sweet, earthy flavour long after they’ve been harvested. Figs freeze well when cut in half and can be used later for baking or making jams. For an autumn treat, add frozen figs to a rustic fig tart that makes for a stunning dessert when served with cream or ice cream.

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