
5 dating app red flags you should never ignore

If you spot any of these, run.

So you thinking of putting yourself out there, at least virtually. If you’re somewhat out of practice it’s very easy to miss the telltale ‘shark’ signs. If you see any of the below, run fast.

  1. Incomplete or vague profiles
    A profile with little to no information about the person or very generic statements like “just ask me” can be a major red flag. It shows a lack of effort or willingness to share, which could indicate they aren’t serious about finding a genuine connection or may be hiding something.
  2. Inconsistent or evasive communication
    If someone takes too long to respond or their messages are sporadic, it could suggest that they aren’t prioritising the interaction or may be juggling multiple people. Additionally, if they avoid answering direct questions or change the subject frequently, it’s a sign they may not be trustworthy.
  3. Overly pushy or inappropriate messages
    Receiving messages that are overly forward, sexual, or pushy early on is a red flag. This kind of behaviour shows a lack of respect for boundaries and suggests the person might be more interested in something casual, or worse, may not respect personal limits in the long term.
  4. Refusal to meet in person or video call
    While it’s understandable to take time before meeting face-to-face, if someone continuously avoids video calls or real-life meetings with excuses, it might indicate that they are not who they claim to be. This can be a sign of catfishing or a lack of genuine intent.
  5. Over-the-top love declarations too soon
    If someone is declaring love or deep affection very early in the conversation, this could be a tactic known as love bombing. It can be manipulative behaviour designed to gain control or move the relationship forward too quickly before you’ve had a chance to really get to know them.

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