
19 drawings tell the story of the 1749 Slaves’ Conspiracy

On the 275th anniversary of the failed Ottoman slaves’ conspiracy of 1749, Heritage Malta is holding an exhibition of 19 historical drawings at the Inquisitor’s Palace in Birgu.
Photo: Heritage Malta


As Malta marks the 275th anniversary of one its most tumultuous episodes—the failed slaves’ conspiracy to revolt of 1749—Heritage Malta is showcasing 19 rare, historical drawings from its archives. 

Called Betrayal and Vengeance: The Slaves’ Conspiracy of 1749 in 19 Historical Drawings, the exhibition will tell the story of the dramatic events that ensued when the mutinied Ottoman galley, called the Lupa of Rhodes, entered the Grand Harbour on February 2, 1748. It explores how its men tried to escape, how they sought revenge on its owner, Mustafà the Pasha of Rhodes, and what this events’ implications were on Malta. 

On between September 20, 2024, and March 31, 2025, the exhibition will feature 19 rarely-sceen and recently-restored drawings, which were part of the 58 news sheets exchanged between the Inquisitor, the Apostolic Delegate Paolo Passionei, and the Vatican. Dating to between 1748 and 1751, each one of these vividly shows the intense and brutal aftermath of the conspiracy.

Moreover, Betrayal and Vengeance offers insight into a number of other, broader themes including those of diplomacy, power, treason, and the complex relationship between the West and the East during these religious wars.

Entrance to the exhibition is included with your ticket to the Inquisitor’s Palace and the National Museum of Ethnography in Birgu. 

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