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159 posts
‘It’s impossible for one resource to meet the needs of every child on the spectrum’
As we mark Autism Awareness Month, a fresh and exciting resource aimed at being inclusive and accessible to children who are on the spectrum has just been launched.
April 17, 2023
Our role with our children: a reflection on self-care
Counsellor William Hayman gives some advice to help parents quell doubts and fears they might unnecessarily have about raising their offspring
April 13, 2023
New tool offers support to teens who get pregnant
Simonne Pace learns about an interactive kit intended to guide teen mothers-to-be and professionals in ‘complex’ journey
April 10, 2023
‘I’m not afraid to be vulnerable and share the ups and downs of motherhood’
Steph Rodgers shares her love of fashion, the Maltese language, and of being Baby G's mum with almost 26,000 followers on TikTok. Her secret? Authenticity and transparency.
April 6, 2023
Stay safe in the sun… not only in summer
While the great outdoors may seem inviting at this time of year, it is imperative to protect yourself and your children from the harmful UV rays, even on overcast days.
April 5, 2023
The benefits of positive co-parenting
Research suggests that children fare better in their development and their relationships when both parents adopt a collaborative co-parenting approach. Charlene Aquilina gives some advice.
April 3, 2023
Let the big Easter break begin
Tomorrow sees the start of the Easter break for most of Malta's children. We're serving up some ideas for family-fun.
April 2, 2023
Why children misbehave when they are tired
Despite knowing there are things they cannot do or that we do not allow them to do, the likelihood of kids doing these things when they are tired increases. Here's a plausible reason by The Conversation.
April 1, 2023
‘The topic of war is very hard for children’
How toys and tales are helping Ukraine kids process war trauma and how you can discuss the subject with your own children
March 30, 2023
Protecting children during separation proceedings
Amendments to maintenance and access laws are needed, says Labour MEP
March 24, 2023