
3 tips to declutter your home

And not one hint of Kwondo joy.

We all know how easy it is to amass loads of things in our homes: knick-knacks, kitchen equipment, toiletries… When this happens, they often end up taking over our lives as they creep into every nook and cranny imaginable, leaving us with very little space. And yet, when it comes to letting them go, the process never seems too simple. So here’s what you should keep in mind when it comes to decluttering your home and giving yourself more space.

#1. Start Small & Be Consistent: One of the biggest mistakes we all make is trying to declutter everything, everywhere, all at once. This is impossible. Even if you have a full weekend to dedicate to the job, it’s going to take time to go over things, deciding what you’re keeping, finding items a home, and cleaning and clearing. So, instead, aim to do one small section whenever you can, and aim to have it done by the time you have to stop. That way, you will always feel like you’ve accomplished something.

#2. Let Go of the Guilt: It’s sad to let things go, especially when keeping in mind how much you’ve spent on them or how many memories are attached to them. Even so, keeping items unused in a drawer or a cupboard is not really doing much apart from taking up valuable space.

#3. Do It Regularly: Once you’ve cleared up your house, it’s easy to assume that the job is done, but decluttering is a bit like the dishes or the laundry in that it’s an on-going task. So, to stay on top of things, make it a habit to declutter one room around the house once a month.

Do you have any advice for people looking to declutter? Let us know in the comments section!

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