
3 ways to reduce bloating

These few easy fixes you could do to feel better.

Bloating is never fun: apart from stopping our clothes from fitting properly, it can also be pretty uncomfortable and painful. Yet bloating can happen at any moment, for both men and women, which is why knowing how to make it better is always a good idea!

Drink Tea: One easy way of debloating is by drinking teas like peppermint or chamomile. These help aid digestion, which is the process that bloats us after all. Of course, don’t add any sugar or milk to it, and drink it as warm as possible!

Take Apple Cider Vinegar: There’s been a lot of talk about the benefits of taking apple cider vinegar every day, but the one that’s actually been proven by science is that it can help aid digestion. It does this by acidifying your stomach, which triggers digestion. The radio should be around 1 tablespoon in water, and it works best right before meals.

Stay Away From Raw Foods: Contrary to what some people may think, raw food isn’t always easier to digest—and that includes vegetables, whose cellular structures take us longer to digest. While there is nothing wrong with eating raw veggies, these should be avoided if you’re already bloated as it will only exacerbate the symptoms. 

Needless to say, if your bloating persists, you should always speak to a doctor as it may be due to an underlying condition.

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