
Productivity struggling with the heat?

Adjust your morning rituals for a spurt of energy.

From a regenerative bath to that first cup of coffee, early morning rituals have the power to heal, restore and fuel. They can leave you feeling accomplished, empowered and ready to take on the day. How you spend your hours from 5-9 each day can ensure you’re well prepared to tackle whatever your 9-5 throws your way.

Establishing a well-planned and consistent routine removes the guesswork and makes it easy to accomplish more during these essential hours that set the stage for the day ahead. Get a jumpstart on your day with these tips to make the most of your morning routine.

Set Personal Goals

Just as no two people are exactly alike, your morning routine should reflect your unique needs. Some people need these early hours to ease out of sleep and gradually work toward a busy day while others jump out of bed ready to set the day in motion.

Decide what you can realistically accomplish in your waking hours before you hit the office or school drop-off line and plan a sequence that makes sense for you and your family. When you have a steady routine in place, it’s typically easier to keep up with habits like early morning workouts, and on days when your energy is lagging, you can shift into autopilot and still get everything done.

Practice Good Sleep Habits

The way you end each day influences how you start the next one. Going to bed on time, avoiding screen time before you turn out the lights and creating a comfortable sleep environment are all keys to restful sleep. However, managing your sleep doesn’t end once you reach dreamland; your wake-up routine is also an essential aspect of a healthy sleep schedule. One of the biggest detriments to quality sleep is hitting snooze to delay your day. Just a few more minutes easily becomes 20, 30 or more and none of that time is quality rest, so you’re not really gaining anything.

Ensure You’re Well-Equipped

Few things can sidetrack a good morning routine like discovering an empty bottle of shampoo or an empty can of shaving cream. Make a habit of regularly taking inventory of your morning supplies. Watch for sales so you can keep backups on hand to ensure you’ll always have your favorite toiletry items ready to help you feel refreshed and ready to go.

Make Time for Breakfast

Countless studies affirm the importance of a well-rounded breakfast. Researchers have found good nutrition provides fuel to help give you energy, promote clearer thinking and problem solving, improve mood and memory, and more. If you can’t stomach a full meal, look for alternatives to give your system a morning boost, such as a protein-rich smoothie early and a more substantial snack later in the morning.

Enjoy a Mindful Moment

Making time to relax or do something you enjoy can set a positive tone for the day. You might savor a few quiet moments over a cup of coffee or spend quality time with a pet. Early morning light and nature sounds can provide calming background for meditation, or you might simply use the time to organize your to-do list so you feel better prepared to tackle the day.

Take Time to Tidy Up

When it’s time to put the workday behind you, it can be easier to make the mental shift from work mode to life mode when there’s not a list full of chores awaiting you at home. As part of your morning routine, make your bed, clean your vanity countertop and complete other small chores to make your evening load lighter.

Find more ideas and inspiration for making the most out of every morning at americanstandard.com.

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