
5 reasons to shop organic food

Costs less, tastes, better, win-win!

Guys, the hype is real. Since I’ve started buying fresh produce from local farmers (some of them actually deliver, by the way though I suspect my editor will remove any free advertising) I’ve started spending less, enjoying fruit and veg that doesn’t spoil after two days, and appreciating the infinitely superior flavours.

Mind you, this is someone who used to trawl the plastic-packaged, imported stuff at big chain supermarkets. Not gonna lie, the main reason I stopped was because while they were cheaply priced they either tended to taste of nothing or they ended up rotting within a couple of days, and hell if I’m going to go shopping twice a week. Which only left pasta and deliveries for the other days. In an effort to eat better I’ve now started buying stuff from vegetable vans and farmers that supply organic, and I have actually noticed a difference. Here’s why I’m trying to stick to this.

1. Fewer pesticides and chemicals

Organic farming limits the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, which means organic produce generally contains fewer chemical residues. By choosing organic, you reduce your exposure to potentially harmful substances, contributing to better health and a cleaner environment.

2. Better for the environment

Organic farming practices promote soil health, conserve water, and reduce pollution. By avoiding synthetic chemicals, organic farming helps maintain biodiversity and supports a balanced ecosystem. Choosing organic foods means supporting agricultural methods that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

3. More nutrients and flavour

Some studies suggest that organic foods may have higher levels of certain nutrients, such as antioxidants, compared to conventionally grown produce. Additionally, organic fruits and vegetables are often grown in nutrient-rich soil and harvested at peak ripeness, giving them a fresher, more robust flavour.

4. Supports animal welfare

Organic meat, eggs, and dairy products come from animals raised under higher welfare standards. Organic livestock must have access to outdoor spaces and be fed a diet free from antibiotics and growth hormones. By choosing organic, you support ethical farming practices that promote the well-being of animals.

5. Free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Organic standards prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms in farming. When you buy organic, you are choosing foods that are grown without genetic engineering, providing a more natural and traditional approach to food production. This can be particularly important if you prefer to avoid GMOs in your diet.

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