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188 posts
‘An unholy marriage of a skirt and shorts sewn into one odious piece’
The verdict is in – skorts are a heinous crime right up there with low-rise jeans.
March 27, 2023
‘People watch for the weird looks’
Stella Cini is of the islands’ most prolific content creators, focusing on over-the-top hair transformations that have taken her from trying out bold colours to shaving it all off.
March 27, 2023
‘Stay curious and consistent’
Luke Magro is a model and influencer with almost 9,000 followers on Instagram and over 3,500 on TikTok. He is renowned for his hilarious reels, (shirtless) cooking tutorials, and weekly fashion-inspo.
March 22, 2023
‘I have a wacky sense of fashion that is most often not relatable’
Caroline Paris is a stylist and content creator with a 21,000-strong following. She shares how her social media game has changed over the years.
March 20, 2023
‘It’s only fashion, there’s no need to make a drama’
Designers Charles and Ron Van Maarschalkerweerd Borg remember their early courtship days
March 13, 2023
Vogue Xchange: celebrating circular fashion
Tonya Lehtinen tells Maureen Saguna how she wants to make fashion more sustainable
December 13, 2022
A cruelty-free closet
Antoinette Sinnas chooses the humantitarian path when it comes to fashion.
December 4, 2019